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لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق اذهب الى الأسفل
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الصورة الرمزية


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 لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan Pi-ca-20
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المدير المميز في المنتدى
المزاج :
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إحترام القوانين :
توقيع المنتدى :
توقيع المنتدى + دعاء


وسائل الإتصال:
مُساهمةموضوع: لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan  لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan Emptyالأحد يونيو 26, 2011 10:58 am

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[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

××-بســــــــــم الله الر حمــــــــــن الرحميــــــــــم-××
¤¤ الحمد لله وحده نحمده و نشكره و نستعينه و نستغفره و نعود بالله من شرور أنفسنا و من سيئات أعمالنا ¤¤

¤ من يهده الله فلا مظل له و من يظلل فلن تجد له ولياً مرشدا ¤

¤ و أشهد ألا إلاه إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أن محمداً عبده و رسوله صلى الله عليه و سلم ¤

¤ و على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من تبعهم بإحسان إلى يوم الدين ¤

¤ ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الخبير ¤

¤ ربنا لا فهم لنا إلا ما فهمتنا إنك أنت الجواد الكريم ¤

¤ ربي اشرح لي صدري و يسر لي أمري و احلل عقدة من لساني يفقهوا قولي ¤

...أما بعد ...

¤ فإن أصدق الحديث كتاب الله تعالى و خير الهدي هديُ سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ¤

¤ و شر الأمور محدثاتها و كل محدثة بدعة و كل بدعة ضلالة و كل ضلالة في النار ¤

¤ فاللهم أجرنا و قنا عذابها برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين ¤
¤¤ امــــــــــا بعــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــد ¤¤

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]

IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx)
March 31, 2011 | English | PC Game | Developer: 1C: Maddox Games | Publisher: Ubisoft Entertainment | 3,8 GB
Genre: Simulator (Flight Combat) / 3D

Air Force aces against the Third Reich. New simulator reproduces in
detail the confrontation of the Royal Air Force (RAF) and the German
Luftwaffe, the speakers in conjunction with the air forces of Fascist
Italy. The game covers the events of the summer and autumn of 1940 in
the best tradition of the famous series "IL-2 Sturmovik", focusing on
historical and technical accuracy.

System requirements:
Operating system: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Dual-Core - 2,0 GHz or Athlon X2 3800 + / Core i5 - 2,66 GHz or Phenom II X4 - 2,6 GHz
RAM: 2000 MB / 4000 MB
Free hard disk space: 4322 MB
Video: (512 MB) / (1000 MB)
File System: FAT, NTFS

Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall

Installed patches:
v 1.00.13954:
System protection StarFors was removed from the game. Battle of Britain
no longer require a second key to Fight the authentication.

Optimized the house on the landscape. Productivity gains will be less
noticeable on the video cards that exceed the recommended configuration.
Removed the micro-breaks associated with downloading of trees and other
vegetation on the landscape. Also changed the method of making
long-distance trees.
* Improved the blocks, ie batch of new pieces of
8x8 km area, as far as player movement over the ground. The performance
boost will be most noticeable on vehicles that exceed the recommended
* Extended the set of available permissions in the settings of the video.
* Faster rendering booths. Also hid the stars and other bright objects at night outside the cabin.

Cut the "gum" with the player's aircraft, which smoothed his movement
by holding a graphical representation of l / and for its physical
position, since in rare instances it caused a situation in which it
seemed that the tracer emitted sideways.
* A revised many of the visual effects of aircraft, and also added new nektoroye such effect falling MG131;
* Improved Module flight model at 0.001%;
* Plug in the cockpit FIAT G.50.
* Fixed performance drop with a close look at the structure of bombers;
Add a special burden on the aircraft, lost most of the wing. Although
it is less realistic solution to answer the most common misconception,
as we work to more accurate calculations of the wing specifically for
this scenario;
* Fixed a problem when detached control surface could still fly a plane;
* Fixed a visual damage to the FIAT G.50;
* Fixed the appearance of the control and animation FIAT G.50;
* Fixed a situation in which a FIAT G.50 could remain too much lift the wing after injury;
* Fixed a situation in which the wing radiator FIAT BR.20 in rare cases, disappear;
* Fixed propellers and turrets Blenheim;
* Fixed the details of the external vidv He 115;
* When He loses the float 115, the physical model will no longer become confused;
* Bow arrows Xe-115 will no longer protrude from the detached bow section;
* Fixed a problem with the appearance of leaf radiator Hurricane;
* The window in the floor of Ju-87 does not change the color of the sea;
* Minor visual moments in the He-111;
* Damaged Wellington will no longer disappear from a distance;
* The upper turret Sunderland will behave properly when the plane falls apart into halves;
Fixed a bug where the engine management did not respond to user actions
within 2 seconds after the start of the mission with the included
anthropomorphic control;
* Fixed a problem with a Bf 109 with the
included anthropomorphic control when disabled sophisticated engine
management will affect other systems;
* You will now see more realistic effects of flutter and damage to the engine;
* Increased drag folds radiator to a more realistic level;
* Exposed the plane after the separation motors on multiengine aircraft will now be significantly more resistance;
Adjusted for calming the compass to match the characteristics of the
Soviet compass A-4, as many were unhappy with his current behavior;
* Fixed minor details of the visual damage Bf 109;
* Lowered the time of release the flap on the Bf 109 to 25 seconds.

* A revised interface window of client and server for the multiplayer mode;
* Fixed multi-search sites;
* Add a volume control of music and speech audio settings;
* Adjusted many small problems with the sound;
* Clear the memory, alleviate the burden for weaker machines. This will be most useful for users on a 32-bit Windows XP;
* Changed the behavior of the camera when the player jumping with a parachute;
* Hunt the escaped AWOL tags airfields in the full editor, returned them to order;
* Fixed some labels on the map.

v 1.00.14101:
Added a new section stimovsky Lobby Multiplayer, as an alternative to
existing search servers. Lobby - a place for players where you can meet
prior to joining or creating a server. The most important feature of the
lobby is that it allows users to connect to servers running on non
publichnomIP, bypassing the network address translation (NAT). Lobby, of
course, also allows you to attach to servers with public IP.
* When
the lobby is connected to a server with public IP, the server can be
found through the lobby and directly to the search servers. With the
non-public IP, the lobby - it's the only way to get access to the
* When you run a dedicated server, host lobby can connect to
it by clicking the Search Server. Otherwise just click Play to create a
new server.
* Fixed some of the effects of flame and smoke, are not in sync with the game on the network and recording tracks.
* Returned smoothing on DirectX 9.

Continue to improve the productivity of the landscape. Improvement will
be even more noticeable on machines with 4 or more processor cores.
SSAO is now possible to disable the video option. Turn off SSAO
slightly degrades the quality of graphics in increasing productivity.
Set the quality of texture added to the video options. Standard
settings (no change), High (down 2x), Medium (decrease 4x) and low (down
8x). Reducing the size of the texture will greatly increase performance
on less powerful machines at the expense of graphics quality. Note that
the function is smart enough not to reduce the size of texture planes,
so the most important components of the game remain unchanged.
* Weeded out the grass on the runways and roads.

* Implemented a new getParameter () interface AiAircraft, that adds new authors to --SS--.
* Reworked module damage. Greatly accelerated performance in the moments when the aircraft is under a hail of bullets.
* Trimmer when running in the air now put close to neutral.
When running in the air, all gyroscopic instruments are already
"tepid." There is no need to wait for hypertension, the course setter,
and so forth
* Changed the messages to the afterburner control
Bf-109. Instead of showing "ON-OFF", the simulator will now show whether
the afterburner is turned on, and when he's really off.
* Minor changes in the appearance of Bf-109.
* Minor changes in the appearance of Bf-110.
* Returned splash of water when plane crashes into the water.
* Add a new bright explosions of a fuel (bombs big round objects tank)
* Flaps do not rise by themselves after starting the engine.
* Damage Model Spitfire will no longer sometimes ignore the loss of the rear fuselage.
Removed some fine adjustment of carburetors. Engines, Rolls-Royce will
now choke if overload is negative, and nothing will happen, if it is
positive. (Old values ??were - Chikhi to 0,5 G, and the refusal to 0,25,
in principle, perfectly accurate - but it confused the vast majority of
* Changed all tachometers in British and Italian aircraft
to electric, as many did not suit the dance arrows mechanical
* Rack Chassis Ju-88 will now take your wing landing gear when the landing gear detached from the aircraft.
* Add the power cord into the cabs of Bf-109 and the Hurricane.
* Fixed a visual issue with bullet holes in the glass cockpit.
* Fixed a problem with the radiator flap FW-200, which can remain after the loss of the engine.
* Fixed the lack of geometry on the damaged right wing of the Spitfire under the flap.
* A revised motion knobs Reset afterburner on the Hurricane.
* Screws in the detached engine will now stop.
* Damaged derived from hand engines will not start work again when flying at high speed.
* Adjusted the behavior of divorced engines.
Double the amount of air in the emergency pneumatic chassis Bf-110.
This increases the likelihood that deflation chassis will have enough
momentum to drop the rack until it locks.
* Flaps in the Bf-110 can now be broken only as a whole and not piecemeal.
* Hydraulic drive on the Bf-110 now runs from the right engine as it should.
* Fixed a bug where "Chikhi" carb always caused damage.
* Fires a fuel, by contrast, are more destructive.
* The fire and the flames from the air fires will now light aircraft, rather than breaking apart.

Added four new test track. Black Death - The Black Death - A new
version of the most famous track from the IL-2. It will squeeze out all
the juice out of your system, especially of cars with dual-core
processors. Chetyrhyadernye processors must click the Black Death, like

v 1.01.14550:
* Added support
for regimes ATI Crossfire. Support NVidia SLI will be available after
you add the profile of our game at a later driver release;
* Improved lighting in the game, the colors become more photo-realistic;
Added a true full-screen mode. The game play was reproduced in the
extended window, this mode also remains available. Switching between the
true pseudo (stretched the window) and window modes available in the
video settings.
- NOTE: If you have ATI graphics card and you will
notice a decrease in productivity in the True full screen mode, please
switch to Pseudo to restore productivity to remain high;
* Greatly improved performance over the cities, especially with the "Itemized houses" exposed below the setting "Very high".
NOTE: If you are experiencing micro hovering over cities with details
of homes = Very high, please try to put it lower. Even setting this to
average almost no effect on overall image quality in the game;
Enter the background downloading landscape. The Earth will now be loaded
dynamically under the camera, allowing you to switch from England to
France almost without a pause. The performance boost is most noticeable
on processors with four cores +;
* Fixed a bug with the bands driving near the forest on the landscape;
* Fixed bug with bands of shadows on the edges of the screen;
* Corrected "jumping" the texture of aircraft for rendering DirectX 9.

* Increased range of display icons on the markings on the aircraft;
* Fixed the behavior of the chronometer on German aircraft. Now the small arrow shows the stopwatch minute, as it should;
* Fixed minor details of damage and animation on Bf. 110;
* Fixed unrealistic motion of a magnetic compass at Bf. 110;
* Fixed the displacement of the sight of Bf. 109;
* Fixed a hole under the engine bonnet damaged Defiant;
* Fixed a visual issue with a damaged tail Defiant;
* Added a mirror on the Hurricane;
* Fixed a visual issue with a damaged tail of Hurricane;
* Updated animations radiator Hurricane;
* Chassis at Ju. 88 now open properly;
* Fixed minor visual damage to the Ju. 88;
* Pilot Ju. 88 were asked to keep their feet on the pedals;
* Made minor changes in the cockpits G. 50 and Ju. 88;
* Fixed a visual issue with the antenna on the Spitfire;
* Fixed minor visual damage to Sunderland;
* Made minor changes to the Spitfire cockpit;
* Reduce the amplitude of oscillation of the head pilot, especially in response to congestion;
* Fixed minor visual damage to the Ju. 88;
* Fixed minor visual damage to the Hurricane;
* Fixed minor visual damage to the Ju. 87;
* Make a large number of small changes in the visual effects.
* Fixed a lot of decals victories;
* Fixed minor visual damage at Blenheim;
* Fixed a rare case in which the propeller could be visible when the engine is separated from the two-engine airplane;
* Aircraft no longer raise a dust cloud when the land on the water.

* The effect of the carburetor backfire now require a certain amount of combustible mixture to cause damage;
* Office of the screw pitch at all with the Messerschmitt engine Daimler-Benz is now spring-electric switch;
* Discounted aircraft now burn crew;
* Lowered the amplitude with which the bombs bounce off certain types of surfaces;
* Magnetic declination set at 10.11 degrees west, on the average actual level of 1940;
* Removed the ignition control knob to Bf. 109;
* Defiant gunner now opens the door both to jump;
* Top gun shooter Xe-111 will no longer plow through the fuselage;
* The fuel level is now the same type;
* Unlocking the turret is now faster;
* Remove the effect from which the motor of BF-109 to vibrate at a height;
* Add the effect of shaking to the icing of the wings;
* Did the loss of lift under icing way more dramatic;
* Repaired the problem, when asymmetrical damage to the mechanism of the flap could lead to the balanced flow in both wings.

* Added feedback effects;
Added six new Rapid missions in the style of the old IL-2. Look for
them at the bottom of the list of templates - three for the German and
British attacks, airports, bridges and convoys. Fly in bombers, escort
fighters, and intercept and take-off on alert, with missions to 128
* Fixed the damage to the radar;
* The choice of aircraft
and other custom changes in the Quick Editor is now saved when you
return to the interface after the departure;
* Returned afterburner smoke from the aircraft, not managed by the player;
* Fixed some animation pilots;
* Updated many briefings and other play texts;
* Improved the look of 2D maps;
* Added a pointer to the scale for the 2D-maps (for the British in miles, meters to the Germans and Italians);
* Added the names of cities and airfields on 2D-map;
* Added large icons size 64x64 px on the 2D map;
* Improve the order in which icons are drawn on the 2D-map, when superimposed on each other;
* Improved the look of the grid area of ??hostilities;
* Fixed option to select the size of icons;
* Fixed errors that occurred during the destruction of certain types of railroad cars;
* Improved crew members nazemku online;
* Fixed a crash bug in the PMB when trying to load a mission, which was standing near the hangar balloon;
* Fixed a crash bug in the PMB if you select an object after Bobbin_cable_UK-GER_1;
* Fixed crash bug when trying to put the crew into an object without Regiment;
* Fixed crash bug when you start the mission with a spotlight on a dedicated server;
* Fixed crash bug when you start the mission with some of the ships on a dedicated server;
* Fixed crash bug when you start the mission with the tank when mute.

* Improved stability and performance of the server and client;
* Improved statistics;
* Improved user's interface;
* Abandoned parked aircraft will now disappear after a while, not to fill the airfields;
* Fixed phantom crew members, who sometimes appears in place of the missing aircraft;
* Make sure that the aircraft produced in the air, are created with sufficient speed;
* Make sure that all players see the same time of day on the server.

* Dungeness Point is now more like a real place;
* Added city Horsham;
* Added the airfield Westhampnett.

-WARNING! PROBLEM-known developer
* The choice of weapons in online will not be saved until the player clicks the mouse on the other line in the table of weapons.

Playing card includes a huge territory - from London to Normandy from
Southampton to Dankerka. It displays thousands of cities, towns, roads,
airfields, radar stations, ports and industrial areas - all located
right where there were in 1940.
* To manage a choice of over thirty
aircraft since the Second World War, including the Messerschmitt,
Junkers Ju-87 », Supermarine Spitfire and the Heinkel He-111", as well
as other English, German and Italian fighters and bombers.
Interactive learning helps you quickly master the full course - from the
basics of flight to the tactics of air combat. Computer instructor will
notice and correct errors, and flexible settings allow to optimize the
gameplay depending on skill level of each virtual pilot.
* Single
player campaign lets players express themselves in a variety of air
battles, including a heated battle, interception, assault mission to
rescue their comrades.
* Various multiplayer modes - in each battle will converge to 128 players.
game was developed on the new 3D-engine of the last generation, it
supports DirectX 10 and DirectX 11. Opportunities of modern technology
allowed to realize a balanced system damage, and detailed recreations of
various ground-based equipment, buildings and other elements of the

Features Repacka:
- The basis is taken license from 1C-SoftKlab -
* Audio quality 100%
* Video quality is 100%
* Exclusive installer
* Installation of additional Softa (DirectX, Visual C + +, Net Framework)
* All the registry path saved
* Driver saved
* Start the game through the shortcut on the desktop or the Start menu
* Installation requires 512 MB of RAM
* Approximate time of installation 8 minute (s)
* V 1.00.13954
* V 1.00.14101
* V 1.01.14550
* Logo Developer
Author Repacka:
* Fenixx

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الموضوع الأصلي : لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan الكاتب : المدير{ع~المعز}العامالمصدر : منتديات طموح الجزائر
المدير{ع~المعز}العام : توقيع العضو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

لعبة IL-2 Sturmovik.Cliffs Of Dover.v 1.01.14550 (2011/MULTI2 / Repack by Fenixx) عصابة the Fan

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة
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