أهلا وسهلا بك زائرنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمـات بالضغط هنا. كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا .
من أفضل الاصدارات التي قد تتخيلها من حيث الجيوش الاسلحه الرسوم الخرائط الطائرات..وغيرها الاضافات في هذه النسخه كثير جدا جدا جدا Deezire - For the new fusion reactor model for the laser general - For the new demolition scud storm model - For the new common Chinese supply center model - For his great editing forum that helped me to finish my mod
Cboidy - For the new Comanche Rocket pod Trail particle effect - For the Original B52 Cruise Missile particle effect explosions - For the new missile trail used on various newly added rocket weapons
Just_West - For the transport helix model - For the new attack outpost model - For the Original GLA sniper cameo - For the new skin for the superhacker - For the new super lotus model - For the new internet center cameo - For the dubble barreled tank hunter cameo
Golan - For the Blackwidow model
Fritz - For the original Chinese Devastator model - For the USA mortar humvee - For the Original Tank Generals Gattling tank model
Creator - For The Original Frog-7 Rocket Launcher Model
Vanguard - For The Toxin Stinger Soldier model - For the Demolition RPG Trooper model - For the Advanved ECM tank model
Key0p - For the Double barreled tank hunter model
CoolFile - For the climbing & bomb placing animations for the Saboteur - For the original new commanche model - For the Capture animations of the stealth rebel
Sir-Maddoc - For the Chaingun upgraded gattling cannon models - For the Explosion FX for the TOPOL M - For the Explosion FX of the comanche rocket pod barrage - For helping me with coding issues
Stinger - For the Original Nuke Redguard Cameo - For the Original Infantry Redguard Cameo - For the Original Rocket Sniper Cameo - For the Original Grenade Tank Hunter Cameo - For the Original Pyro Cameo - For the Original Stealth General RPG Trooper Cameo
Revan - For the Map Tournament Oasis - For the Map Airport Assault SoulReaver - For helping me to learn modeling and skinning - For the chinese submarine model Sleipnir - For his GLA supply truck model - For his great editing forum that helped me to finish my mod
ColdBlooded - For the Toxin Terrorist Nerve gas pack Cameo
OldManFunk - For the Skin of the GLA Sniper
warsn7per - For the Original Shellmap
Kease - For the Original GLA Balloon Model
Ice - For the new toxin bombtruck model - For the GLA quadbike Model - For the Combat Technical Model - For the Modified GLA sniper cameo - For allowing me to use some idea's of his old mod for my own
بصراحه كل يوم اكتشف شي جديد تم أضافة في هذه النسخه ولو اردت ان اصف لكم