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Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB

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 Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB Pi-ca-20
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مُساهمةموضوع: Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB  Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB Emptyالسبت مايو 07, 2011 7:30 pm

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(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( اسم النظام)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB



[size=21][size=25][size=16](¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( لغة النظام)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯) [/size][/size][/size]


(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( نبذة عن النظام)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB
ssembly is based on the image of Windows XP SP3 Professional VL x86 ,
including critical updates on September 24, 2010 and registration of
c the choice of three schemes with ResPatch Black-Dark
Aero 3in1 v5.5 Final on 12/05/2010

Key features:
Internet Explorer 8.0 and Windows Media Player 11 with all updates.
Fonts are replaced by higher quality of Windows 7, plus adding a few
new fonts common in certain applications, but not included in standard
supplyWindows XP. XP sound scheme replaced by a better and more interesting
from Longhorn. New wallpaper, instead of bored tiles and bricks. UXTheme.
dll patched to install those without digital signature, and increased the number
of concurrent TCP / IP connections to 100. Beautiful themes in the style of Windows 7.

DirectX 9C June and driver AHCI MassStorage Drivers for the possibility
of installing the OS on any modern device. Package please libraries to run
some popular applications. Supports file system exFAT or FAT64,
first presented by Microsoft for embedded devices in Windows
Embedded CE 6.0. The sidebar on the desktop in the style of Windows 7.
Optimized first start Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player.

Release Highlights:
This assembly is not really rubbish left by courtesy of the
developer with the addition of commonly used applications.

Package design of three types of user-selectable through
ResPatch Black-Dark Aero 3in1 v5.5 Final, from gora & Jekson07.
There are three skins: Aero Blue, Aero Green and Seven. During installation,
automatically deliver the package Seven. The user can then choose and install
your favorite scheme with the help of the selector (see screenshots).
The selector also provides the opportunity to apply the standard pattern
of the original XP image. If you use one of the three selected topics,
and after a global update Homepage appearance revert to default
– use the selector to restore appearance.

Been removed:
1. Introduction to Windows XP – is that annoying after the first run
of the system and takes up an inordinate number of places.
2. Ability to upgrade to Windows XP from an earlier version,
such as MSDOS. Wizard Files and Settings Transfer.
3. Support for voice communications
– English bormochaschy no tone of voice with badly bitrate
4. Windows Messenger
5. MSN Explorer
6. Portfolio of Windows XP
7. Lesson study using a mouse
8. Video and audio, play when you first start the system
9. Obsolete parser MSMXL 2.0 replaced by new, coming with the latest update
10. Removed assistant to find – the picture with
its function meltishaschaya below the search box
11. Sound scheme “Utopia”
12. All the standard, reaching complete game
13. Color Schemes classical style design (not to be confused with the style by default)
14. Graphic editor Paint replaced by the powerful for its class Paint.NET 3.55 Rus
15. Activation and registration of Windows – Out of Box Experience,
at the corporate version of this function is not needed
16. Turn off automatic updates. Updated at will and choice, by clicking on a menu item.

These deletions are not way not affect the stability of the system.
System is fully functional with a minimal set of daily, essential applications.

Added applications:
7zip 9.16 beta – a great archive latest version. Works with many types
2. uTorrent ver. released rus. Popular program for sharing files through the protocol Bit Torrent.
Notepad2 4.1.24 replaced the standard notebook XP. I think this is a
good choice as opposed to akelpad who buys useless for everyday use
4. Unlocker v1.9.0 makes communication with the OS on
your tongue, if she does not want for any reason execute a command for
moving, copying, deleting files
5. HashTab v.3.0 useful tool to
determine the hash sum file is integrated into the system appears in
the menu when you right-click mouse
6. Adobe Flash Adobe Flash plugin for all browsers.
PROWiSe Manager v1.8 utility to replace Windows Task Manager Windows.
More convenient and informative than the standard means of operating
8. Memo (hint) to perform menu.
9. Applets in the Control panel for monitoring, testing and debugging
10. A set of multimedia codecs for all occasions CodecPack v.3.9.18 on 14/09/2010.
Added several new fonts, commonly used in various applications. Windows
XP standard fonts are replaced by new, higher quality of Windows 7.
Silverlight 4 v.4.0.50826.0 – universal cross-platform plug-in for a
new generation of multimedia and interactive applications on the
13. Net FrameWork 1.1 3.5SP1 – complete with the latest updates on the release date.
Eight of the universal themes of different colors in the style of
Windows 7. One of the themes installed by default (note the Appearance
tab, where you can choose from three options for each topic). Theme in
the style of Windows 7 with coloring under a tree and theme in the
style of Windows Vista. Standard Windows XP default theme is present.
15. DirectX 9C June 2010
16. AHCI MassStorage Drivers for the possibility of installing the OS on any modern device. Support for chipsets and drivers:
AMD – 3.1.1547.124, Intel –, nForce –, SiS – 5.1.1039.3020, VIA – 5.1.6000.581, JMicron –
17. Graphics editor Paint.NET 3.55 Rus, replaced the standard MS Paint
Java SE JRE v. – environment for running applications written
in Java from the Corporation Sun Microsystems, Inc. for a family of OS
Windows x86
19. The sidebar in the style of Windows 7 build
6.0.6003.20103 of 05/09/2010. The kit includes the most frequently used
gadgets for everyday work with the expectation of surfing the Internet
and multimedia. You can manually delete or add any gadget.
20. QTAddressBar v0.9.6 adds functionality similar to Windows Explorer 7, so that navigation is quick and easy.
21. DriveSpaceIndicator – the program display the degree of filling of the disc in real time.

upd 10.9.24
1. Update all Microsoft products for September 2010. Including IE, WMP,. Net FrameWork
2. Updated versions of some applications and applets (see Release Highlights)
3. The CD version includes the application and QTAddressBar DriveSpaceIndicator

System requirements:
* The minimum frequency of CPU: 233 MHz
* Recommended RAM: 128 MB
* Place on HDD: 2.4 GB
* Video adapter and monitor: Super VGA resolution of 800 X 600 or higher
* CD / DVD drive
* Keyboard and Mouse

System Name: Windows XP SP3 Professional x86
Editorial: DM Edition v.10.9.24
Year: 2010
Developer: Microsoft
Assembling: DM Edition
Platform: x86 (32bit)
Language: English / Russian
Size: 677 MB


(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( حجم النظام)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

677 mb


(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( تحميل من هنا)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

النسخة مرفوعة علي اكثر من سيرفر
باجزاء متشابهة ليس فيها اختلاف حمل من اي سيرفر تشاء
كما ان هذا السير يتوفر علي الموقع المعروف


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(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( او تحميل من هنا)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)


[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط] [ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( الباس لفك الضغط)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

*[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


(¯`o._(¯`o._(¯`o._( صور النظام )_.o´¯)_.o´¯)_.o´¯)

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]
[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذه الصورة]

الموضوع الأصلي : Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB الكاتب : المدير{ع~المعز}العامالمصدر : منتديات طموح الجزائر
المدير{ع~المعز}العام : توقيع العضو
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

Windows XP SP3 Professional DM Edition 2010 v.10.9.24 x86 | 677MB

استعرض الموضوع التالي استعرض الموضوع السابق الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة
صفحة 1 من اصل 1

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